You didn't really think I would build an entire post on roasted Butternut Squash seeds, did you? After all, I only roasted about 1/4 cup! But the star of the evening's entreé, risotto, was going to be dressed up with Butternut squash. So I bought a diminutive one, weighing in at just over one pound. And because I was in a pensive mood and had some time to ponder, I decided to use the entire squash (sans skins) for this or some future meal. I peeled off the outer skin, and then proceeded to chop the squash into small cubes for the risotto and larger chunks for freezing. And all the while, I am thinking about this holiday season...
I need a couple boxes for gifts I have purchased and also some decorative tissue paper. I also need double wine bags. It is so easy to find single bottle wine bags, but double bottle? Not so much.
Scooping out the Butternut interior, I picked out the seeds and placed the soft, pulpy leftovers to the side. I have oven-roasted pumpkin seeds back in the day, but never roasted squash seeds. I was looking forward to using these on top of the risotto...or maybe thrown into a salad. But what was I going to do with somewhat slimy, strand-y pieces surrounding the seeds? I was after all, going to try and use the entire squash. Confession: My TV diet of late consists of Edge of Alaska, Alaska: The Last Frontier, and Dude, You're Screwed. Now it makes sense that the squash pulpy-ness was not a turn-off, yes?
While the squash cubes were boiling away to soften, I figured it would be wasteful to turn on the oven to roast a handful of seeds, so I decided to pan-roast them instead. After lining a cast iron pan with foil, and drizzling in some olive oil and a pinch of kosher salt, I placed the rinsed and dried seeds into the pan. When I heard the oil sizzle, I used a spatula to move the seeds around...and waited... for the popping. For such small seeds, the few that popped were surprisingly loud. I had to turn the edges of the foil in to the pan to catch any escaping seeds. As soon as the seeds where golden and some had popped, I took the pan off the burner and let them cool down.
Perhaps an Apple Galette for one of the Christmas dinner desserts? Never done that before!
You want to know what I did with the pulpy part of the squash, right? Well, I chopped it finely, and threw it in with the risotto! I also had some fresh time that I tossed in too.
I've decided that I'm not going to roast a whole turkey this year. I'm not even going to roast less-than- a-whole-turkey. Yikes! What will I do? Time to change the day up to a more manageable event.
I am placing my faith (and money) in Shoprite to roast a few turkey breasts for me. There...I said it...
All went well for my wee little Butternut Squash today. The squash cubes, pulp, and seeds were stars in a delicious dinner. Now if only I could have figured out how to use the peeled skin, I'd really be onto something!
Happiest of Holidays to you!