Thursday, February 12, 2015

Olive Oil Tea Cake

My social network exists at the local YMCA where I spend a lot of time taking and teaching classes.  I am especially impressed by the the number of fit and healthy women there who are very mature (if you get my drift).  One friend in particular, let's call her Ruth, leads an active lifestyle outside of Y business.  She regularly takes mass transportation to and from New York City with (or without) company.  On occasions in the past, we have been in the locker room at the same time, and Ruth has shared that she's heading off to catch the bus to the city to see a play or go shopping.  Admirable, right?

Well, Ruth recently moved from her home of many years to a condo in order to downsize.  In fact, she spent one night with my husband and I between settlement day and move-in day.  A few weeks later when her new place was arranged and ready for company, she asked a couple of us over for afternoon tea and a look-see at her new place.

I jumped at the chance to bake something as a welcome-to-your-new-home offering and to alleviate any undo pressure on her to bake.  Ruth, you see, doesn't bake...or even cook that much.  She was very receptive, but cautioned that she did not eat animal fat (keeping the cholesterol in check), and so butter was not invited to the party.  Yikes!  Though not sugar averse (thankfully), Ruth's dietary restriction gave me pause (a multi-day pause).

I decided on an Olive Oil Cake for the get-together and was pleased that Ruth enjoyed it so much.  The cake is delicate with a tender, moist crumb and essence of orange.  Perfect for afternoon tea.


1.  Are you surprised by how much my Chick Pea Loaf (January posting) resembles this tea cake?  Me too!  Is there a message somewhere in there for me??

2.  I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

3.  The mentor recipe baked one loaf at 325º F.  Instead, I used two mini loaf pans and placed half the batter (about 13 ounces) in each pan.  I upped the temperature to 350º F.

4.  The two loaves baked for 35 minutes uncovered and then an additional 15 minutes covered with foil.  That's when an inserted toothpick came out clean.

5.  Assuming that you might question the addition of whole milk in this recipe, let it be known that Ruth's words were, "I don't eat butter."  Could I have used non-fat milk?  Yep.  Did I?  Nope.  Shhhh...

Olive Oil Tea Cake

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
2 large eggs
3/4 cup whole milk
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons finely grated orange zest


1.  Preheat oven to 350º F.   Oil and flour two mini loaf pans.
2.  Whisk first 5 ingredients in a large bowl.
3.  In another bowl, whisk eggs, milk, olive oil, and orange zest to blend.
4.  Gradually whisk egg mixture into dry mixture.
5.  Transfer batter into prepared pans (See Notes above for further detail).
6.  Bake for 35 minutes.  Remove from oven and cover with foil.  Bake for an additional 15 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
7.  Cool in pans for about 20 minutes.  Invert pan to remove cakes.

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